Orange Rosemary Cooler

Rosemary and cinnamon add adult complexity to your drink's flavor profile. Say goodbye to your super sweet BCAAs and enjoy something different. This is a recipe you can double or triple and bring to a party—it's really that good.

4 oz water
4 oz soda water
1/4 orange
2 rosemary stalks
1 tsp cinnamon
1 scoop

Chop rosemary stalks into small pieces.
Mix cinnamon and rosemary into water. Pour into ice-cube trays. Let freeze.
Stir 1 scoop of BCAAs in 4 oz of water.
Cut up orange and add it to glass.
Add soda water.
Pour drink over cinnamon and rosemary ice cubes.

Instead of making ice cubes, you can boil rosemary and cinnamon in water with your choice of sweetener to make simple syrup, and then add that to your beverage. Or, you can just add rosemary stalks and a cinnamon stick to your drink!